Upcoming events

Studio Deep Clean
Come help us clean up the studio to prepare for the Spring Class Session!

New Membership Applications CLOSE 11:59PM
We are so excited to offer new membership this Spring! More info here!

New Membership Applications Open!
We are so excited to offer new membership this Spring! More info here!

Winter Market
Join us and our neighbors from 11 - 4pm on Saturday December 7th. Get all your Holiday Shopping done in one go!

Artist Talk - Shawna Pincus
This event will focus on her work, process, and career as a potter. Join us for the talk and stay for a chat, food, and refreshments afterwards!

Member Spotlight - Frank Yensan
Our Gallery has been updated featuring a Member Spotlight on Frank Yensan! Stop by the Gallery and check out his work Sat & Sun 12- 6pm!

New Members Show
We are so excited to invite you to our New Members Show at the Potters Guild!

Artist Talk - Michael Kline
This event will focus on his work, process, and career as a potter. Michael will be giving a talk and there will be food and refreshments provided.